Thought leader, writer and social innovator, researcher and author of ‘Mobilising Whole Communities to Restore a Safe Climate’, Giselle has recently been awarded a Professional Doctorate in Therapeutic Arts Practice.
Giselle helped instigate the much needed National Centre for Climate Restoration with the first of its truth-telling Breakthrough Forums in 2014 and is currently Breakthrough’s Outreach Director. Co-founding The Sustainable Living Foundation in 1999 and still serving as SLF's President, Giselle was a key part of the decision to run Australia’s first Global Climate Emergency Convergence in 2007. She again helped to break constructed silences, by supporting the Climate Emergency Summit as a cutting edge, landmark event in the 2020 National Sustainable Living Festival.
read more ...Over those intervening years Giselle published her first book on sustainable living and eating called the Conscious Cook and is now working towards its sequel. She was an active participant in the Climate Emergency Network, Safe Climate Australia and the launching in 2010 of the Transition Decade to Restore a Safe Climate.
Tangentially, springing from the deeply philosophical base of Earth Housing Coop, Giselle enabled the establishment in 2011 of a ground-breaking initiative at 'Murundaka' Co-housing. This demonstrated that less un-affordable, more sustainable, urban housing could be built in the suburbs of Melbourne and that community living simultaneously builds resilience, reduces the costs of living and shrinks our environmental footprint.
Science-informed activist, author and artist, Giselle is a speaker on sustainability-transition and safe climate restoration. Her mission is to help us all explore what it means to FULLY understand the need for urgent Scale and Pace and overcome the many hurdles we face.
Giselle believes that through proactive collaboration to build and equip the next wave of engaged citizens and activists, the momentum of change can be accelerated to reverse global warming and restore the climatic conditions that are safe for all species, our civilisation and future generations.
Doctorate Introduction Doctorate Abstract Thesis
Giselle Wilkinson
0428 373 111